- Inclui: Óculos DJI Corpo, Faixa de Cabeça, Antena Pagoda (SMA Interface), Conector SMA Reverso, Carregador, Clipe de Fio, Cabo Micro USB, Cabo HDMI e um Pano de Limpeza.
- Compatível com DJI Spark, Mavic, Phantom e série Inspire de drones
- Até 50 ms de latência. 12 canais disponíveis. Transmissão de vídeo de banda dupla de 2,4 e 5,8 GHz.
- 1280×960 a 50 fps, 1280×720 a 60 fps, 640×480 a 50 fps
- Campo de visão de 148°. O sensor de obturador global elimina o efeito gelatina.

Frank Bures –
1) Known Issue! Occusync 2.0 handshaking problems with 2.4Ghz vs 5Ghz and a Mavic 2 controller (Smart controller or standard) limits range to 169m (not a typo 500ft or less!) when the goggles video freezes then drops. For a drone that has 8000m-10000m range that is unacceptable!. Workaround suggested was to use HDMI out into the goggles from the Smart Controller. But that has no head tracking (i.e using it as a over-priced monitor with a lense hood over your face) but then it caused my controller to hang/unlink from the aircraft when it dropped the video signal at around 800m. Luckily my drone returned home all on its own while orphaned from the DJI Smart controller, scary stuff, hence I am returning it after 20 days and about 4 hrs of in-flight testing. This product should have been recalled by DJI since this issue still has not been resolved in almost 2 years of the product on the market, and they had sold it as a bundle with the Mavic 2 Pro/zoom! My manufactured date on my Goggles RE was April 2019, purchase in Sept 2020. Supposedly DJI replaced a circuit board on the units manufactured after Feb 2019 to try to address the range problem, but I noticed it drop at exactly 169m over and over agin on my first flight and every flight thereafter.
2) Cannot adjust the focus on the lenses (ie. like binoculars, NOT the IPD adjustment), if you need reading glasses (i.e. your over 40) you will have to wear them inside the goggles. Focusing distance too short for even the mildest prescription to get a sharp image. Disappointing for the price, since I have no problem using my Oculus Rift VR goggles without glasses.
Chris H. –
Amazing product. It’s like your in the cockpit of the drone. An experience like no other. I would never fly with out it. Where ever u move you head up down left or right the drones camera looks in that direction. Or you can control the drones yaw (left or right) by turning your head. Depending on which mode you have it in.
Usuario Comprobado –
Buenos googles, de la nueva generación Racing Edition.
Son comodos, algo pesados pero nada que moleste. Quizas a la forma de mi cabeza y rostro, no se pegan demasiado y entra un poquito de reflexión de luz por ambos lados que a veces molesta un poco para ver al 100% nítida la imagen pero nada que sea un problema, porque el brillo de las pantallas es muy bueno.
Es muy practico poder girar sobre la cabeza los googles hacia arriba sin quitártelos y poder ver donde anda el drone o cualquier cosa que necesites checar. Trae los accesorios para poder implementarlos en camaras análogas.
Con el Mavic pro le sacas provecho al 100% porque utliza la señal digital 2.4 y 5GHz, con una distancia de señal igual a la del control remoto.
Son algo caros, pero valen la pena